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Jeff Alu
"Mythic Realities"
May 10-30 , 2012
Reception Thursday May 10, 7-9pm

A belief that the photographic process captures much more than just a fractional moment in time has led Jeff Alu to create his series, "Mythic Realities." He often views a photograph as a point in time around which there are forces that brought the scene to its current state, and newer forces that will alter it further in the future. In this series, he takes this belief much more literally, assigning each work a title which allows the viewer to participate in the events preceding and following each shot. These titles, while helping to clarify the current events taking place in each image, often pose more questions than answers, leaving much to the imagination of the viewer.
Small clues can be found in these photographs which remind one that the events portrayed, while seemingly removed from our current time and location, are in fact taking place here and in the present time. They were shot at surreal locations in the deserts of California. Each was shot on an iPhone 4S 8.0 megapixel camera, and processed on an iPad 2.0.
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