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x h i b i t s
The Art of iPhone Photography
Curated by Knox Bronson
Exhibit Dates: April 12-May 5, 2012
Reception: Thursday April 12, 7-9pm
Sean Hayes, Linda Schenck, Knox Bronson, Maia Panos, Jose Chavarry, Alon Goldsmith, Gordon Fraser, Ramona Gillentine, James Clarke, Rosanna Cappiello, Cindy Patrick,
Kris Torma, Glenn Homann, Fiona Christian, Catherine Restivo, Irene Oleksiuk, Rudy Vogel, Rad Drew, Roger Guetta, Hans Borghorst
, Stephanie Grant, Dan Marcolina, Shirley Drevich, Christopher Swink, Clint Cline, Andrew B. White, Aldo Pacheco, David Schuster, Lene Basma, Colin Vincent Brown, Ella Clarke, Laura Peischl, Rebecca Zagoory

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