x h i b i t s
"The Norblin Project"
October 25, 2006-December 9, 2006
Reception: Thursday, November 9, 7-9 pm

Los Angeles Center for Digital Art presents a solo exhibit of photographs by Wally Gilbert, a new series of large, brilliantly colored works entitled "The Norblin Project - Images of Decay." These images are fragments extracted from the world of decaying vestiges of the past left at the former Norblin Factory site in Warsaw, Poland. The work explores entropy and the artifacts of time, depicting architectural details and the mechanical apparatus of industry from an era long past.
The Norblin Project will be a major installation in Warsaw in 2007. From May 28th through July 31, 2007, Gilbert will mount a show at the Norblin Factory site, as large hangings on fabric. Placed throughout the factory halls, the extremely large images of small elements will create a dramatic contrast to the actual objects present. Photographed during the Spring of 2006, this long unused factory in the center of Warsaw now consists of large buildings and disused machinery as well as a Museum of Technology, a Museum of Vintage Cars, a Museum of Printing, and an occasional summer art gallery.
Jan Kubasiewicz and Jozef Zuk Piwkowski will curate the exhibit in Warsaw. Jan Kubasiewicz is Professor of Design and Chair of the Dynamic Media Institute at the Massachusetts College of Art (MassArt) in Boston. Jozef Zuk Piwkowski is the publisher of an art magazine "Working Title" and the owner of an independent art gallery, "Gallery 2b," in Warsaw.
Wally Gilbert plays with scale in his photographic work on a border between reality and abstraction, where each piece is a study in color, texture and form. In his previous career as scientist, Gilbert was awarded a Nobel Prize in 1980 for his landmark work in DNA gene sequencing. As a scientist, he examined the world in its smallest details, and now through his photography, he enlarges small visual elements around us to reveal the world in his unique and beautiful vision.
This extensive exhibit includes thirty limited edition images as 36" x 24" face-mounted prints and several large canvas hangings, two measuring 120" x 44" and one at 66" x 44."
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