x h i b i t s
April 14-May 7, 2005
Opening Reception April 14 7-9pm

Joshua Rowan: "House of Cards"
Angeles Center for Digital Art announces a four person group show featuring
the following artists:
Donna Tracy
Joshua Rowan
Andrew Kleindolph
Barbara Kossy Donna Tracy
Each "Digital Skin" by 3D maven Donna Tracy starts with a texture
map, a digital painting that big time Hollywood animators add to virtual
3-D models to mimic real skin or fur. Early versions of these maps are
usually thrown away as characters and movie scenes evolve into their final
forms. Tracy salvages the beta skins, removes some attributes, enhances
others, and produces images that give the illusion of three dimensions. See
article in Wired Magazine about Donna Tracy's work for this exhibit:
Andrew Kleindolph
The work of Andrew Kleindolph looks like strange devices that are a result
of unpredictable garage invention rather than profound technological
experimentation. His designs are influenced by both old and current,
electronic and organic systems. The prints are constructed from a combination
of found and fabricated images, as well as scanned sketches. The result
is a low tech / high tech clash of organic and techological forms that
create ambiguous "blueprints" of bio-digital processes.
Barbara Kosssy
In huge panoramic prints created by assembling up to 100 separate photos
into one composite image Barbara Kossy explores the mutability of time,
space, and perception--issues that first intrigued her as a film student.
The distortion inherent when using a wide-angle lens makes it impossible
to seamlessly stitch the photo parts together, so each individual shot
is quite apparent. The result is a frame by frame time exposure where
Kossy records a full 360 degrees in about 15 minutes. Space, color, light
and time are altered by the process of taking the pictures and their
Joshua Rowan
The brightly colored surfaces in the works of digital artist Joshua Rowan
give way to a psychologically darker landscape. Wild cartoonish images
created entirely by computer evoke a kitchy Americana dreamworld inhabited
by evil animals, demonic beings, waterfall beds, legless girls and disembodied
hands afloat. The artist gives a fascinating digital update to surrealist
practices, as each piece is a painstaking recreation of a composition
created by automatic drawing. The work beckons us to interpret symbols
assembled from images adrift deep within the artist's psyche.