x h i b i t s
Daniel Irvine
October 11-November 3, 2007
Reception Thursday October 11, 7-9pm

Dan Irvine's dark and expressive figures filled with heavily textured snippets of politically loaded imagery both evoke and provoke. He begins with a nude and composites images (primarily from the internet) of conflicts such as the Iraq war or Darfur into them directly so they appear as if they were constructed with them. What are thought of as conflicts "outside" of us are now the substance from which we are built. As well, he creates sculptural textures that capture the sense of being "entangled" or "bound" using baling wire, plastic wrap, acrylic paint and various found objects. He then photographs these textures and incorporates them into the composites and the overall colors are adjusted (eschewing the artifice of filters) to golden hues, creating a mood of time passed and natural process of decay.
The total effect is a literal balance between form and content where the human body and the landscape of events surrounding it are one and the same. Irvine's work indicates how larger global struggles are enmeshed with our inner conflicts, and shows how those events distant or near "fill" the individual. His large and luminous prints give a graceful expression to the most difficult facets of being human, and they especially embody the zeitgeist of being human in our current era.
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