x h i b i t s
Sheri Neva
"Looking Deeply"
May 10-30 , 2012
Thursday May 10, 7-9pm

In the Artist's Words:
"In 2005, my life changed forever. Setting foot in Delta College Microscopy facility, I had no idea what was about to happen. At that moment, I went from being a teacher to a student. I started learning about a new world. The microscopic world is a fascinating mix of science and art, revealing the hidden beauty of life. Whether it is related to my job in the aerospace industry or just something that I manage to encounter in my adventures in Playa Del Rey, CA, I relish every moment. Another moment to explore and find something new, something incredible, something beautiful, something to share.
My scanning electron microscope makes this all possible. I never know what I will find when I put a sample in the microscope. Seeing the microstructure of a mosquito wing or the grooves and pits in one single grain of sand from the beach I live on still amazes me after seven years. At 200 to 100,000 times magnification, these micrographs still draw me in every time I look at them. They show me how beautiful life is and how much more there is to discover.
This is my life’s passion, exploring life, by combining technology and art to show you what our world really looks like. I feel privileged to share this with you. I hope you find the art in science as I do."
Sheri Neva
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