LACDA - Saturday August 9, 6-8pm
ArtTalks and Mixer
panel discussion
"Sense and Sensibility"
featuring L.A. arts luminary
Shana Nys Dambrot
Jane Szabo, Linda Alterwitz and Rex Bruce

Featured solo exhibits:
Jane Szabo, Linda Alterwitz and Deborah Cornell
Featured video artists:
Naz Shahrokh, Negin Sharifzadeh, and Marjan Moghaddam
Everyone has their own relationship to feminism, ranging from diligent activism to acceptance to resistance and disinterest. The talks will begin by unpacking the diversity and fluidity of such relationships and intentions, as represented by the case studies in this sample group -- the current LACDA exhibitions entirely by woman artists. Topics will be non-traditional self-portraiture, feminism and self-portraiture, and the liberating possibilities of digital art techniques.
We will be discussing our featured video art created by Iranian born women from a specific political context that must both connect to and transcend the past and the personal. There are certain inherently female experiences, and being female is just one of many available perspectives on life and experience that is reflected in the choices made in the work.
Shana Nys Dambrot is an art critic, curator, and author based in Los Angeles. She is currently LA Editor for WhiteHot Magazine, Arts Editor for Vs. Magazine, Contributing Editor to Art Ltd., and a contributor to the LA Weekly, Flaunt, Huffington Post, Palm Springs Life, and KCET’s Artbound. She studied Art History at Vassar College, curates one or two exhibitions a year, and speaks in public with alarming frequency.
L.A. Center for Digital Art has launched a new series of Saturday events geared toward artists, gallerists, curators, collectors and critics called "ArtTalks" featuring brief talks by L.A. art scene luminaries followed by a mixer reception replete with refreshments, wine and light food, 6-8pm. We want to create a space where artists and art presenters can meet, mingle, explore ideas and "talk shop" often with a special focus on art and technology, our specialty at LACDA.