x h i b i t s
LACDA Ninth Anniversary Exhibit
April 11 - May 4, 2013
Reception April 11, 7-9pm
In conjunction with Downtown Art Walk

Join us for the LACDA Ninth Anniversary Exhibit. Over 80 represented artists we have exhibited over the years will be shown in this daunting international effort that includes prints, video, interactive media and more.
Retrospective artists gallery link:
Jeff Alu
Martin Amorous
Linda Alterwitz
Christopher Robin Blum
Curt Burgess
Matthew Barlow
J.T. Burke
Elke Brand
Rex Bruce
Wanda Boudreaux
Peter Bell
Rajeev Basu
Colleen Cocoran
Deborah Cornell
Lana Citowsky
Michael Detto
Diane Fox
Denis Gillingwater
David Hudson
Leslie Dwyer
Ellen Fisher
Fabian Freese
Jaz Fabry
Matthew Feuer
Tibor Foeldes
Wally Gilbert
Liz Guarracino
Nick Gaetano
Gary Hatfield
John Haubrich
Kendall Johnson
JC Jaress
Pete Jackson
SK James
Ronald Janowich
Yolanda Klappert
Sherry Karver
Kathryn Jacobi
Laura Krasnow
Danna Kinsky
Yolanda Klappert
Campbell Laird
Burton Landhuis
Andy Lomas
Melissa Lambert
Jon Merritt
Trevor Makara
Trevor Messersmith
Gloria Merritt
Marianne Mettler
Julia Morgan-Leamon
Kate MacDonald
Benjamin Lee Martin
Maddy McCoy
Ron McClure
Pia MYrvoLD
Stephen Mingle
Sheri Neva
Doug Ness
Toban Nichols
Johnny Naked
Elizabeth Otten
Audri Phillips
Mei Xian Qui
Tim Quinn
Aniko Robitz
Douglas Ross
Jill Rickabaugh
Linda Riseley
Patricia Routh
Jon Shumway
Kristin Skees
Kristine Schomaker
Melinda Smith
Max Shuster
Michael Salerno
Leslie Tucker
Ole Terslose
Max Tzinman
Tiffany Trenda
Michel Varisco
Mare Vaccaro
McCrystle Wood
Charles Wright
John Walte
Gillian Ware
Elizabeth Walker
Michael Wright
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