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Ken Johnson
Desert Poetics, Satellite Imagery, and Layering Time"
May 9-June 1, 2013
Artist's Reception: May 9, 7-9pm
in conjunction with the Downtown Art Walk

Ken Johnson’s photo-composites combine images found in his paintings, his original photographs, as well as appropriated satellite imagery and borrowed designs. These elements are digitized, layered, juxtaposed, drastically edited, manipulated and integrated to explore latent nuanced and connotative meanings. Photography (and its computerized decendents)—however technical, procedural and instrumentalized—is always interpretive in its nacent state and also when dramatically altered. These elaborate and masterful composites are best understood as narrative; they aim to share stories, evolve insights and clarify social knowledge. They call into question the way we have thought about things, the destructive power of hidden and unexamined agendas, and the possibilities raised by alternative perspectives.
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