x h i b i t s
Gillian Ware
"L.A. Tree Portraits"
January 9-March 1, 2014
Reception January 9, 7-9pm

Gillian Ware’s work is inextricably tied to nature. Her keen understanding of colour and form as an Artist was informed by the English countryside and landscapes she was immersed in as a child. Starting out as a painter, she now finds the digital camera an ideal tool to create painterly images of her surroundings.
Gillian continues to focus on the discourse of trees, enamored by their power and individuality. Arriving in Santa Monica in 2004, she was overwhelmed by the exotic beauty of the trees: their variety, colours, textures and sculptural forms and by their surprising relationship to the City. This was something she was compelled to explore.
Gillian spends much of her time campaigning to save trees in Los Angeles and hopes to share their beauty and value through her photographs. Here she shows some recent images of trees that absorb and excite her.
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