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los angeles center for digital art & downtown film festival los angeles present
i n t e r n a t i o n a l e x p o
winners exhibit
through september 1
all events are at LACDA and are free
ticket required for Downtown Independent Screening

7/7/2012 SAT 3-5pm Workshop: DIY Distribution
7/7/2012 SAT 5-7pm Workshop: New Ventures for Filmmakers
7/7/2012 SAT 7- 8pm Workshop: New Ventures Reception
7/7/2012 SAT 7-11pm
LACDA and DFFLA Present “Art Bomb”
party and mixer featuring:
“Triangulation“ Video Installation by Matt Sheridan
“3Dmentia” An array of swirling CGI animations by Andy Lomas, Tim Quinn, Yolanda Klappert, Jeff Alu, Benji Martin, Pia Myrvold
“Altervision3D” Debi Cable 3D images in the Project Windows
“Body Code” Performance art by “Tiffany Trenda”
“Video Paramecia” Interactive video by Kim Ash
“Urban Realty” Adulterated digital landscapes by Ed Freeman
“Looking Forward: Ten Artists to Watch” Curated by Nancy Meyer, LACMA
Jerzy Pietruczuk, Kristin Skees, Wanda Boudreaux, Mark G. Williams, Kate MacDonald, Steven Porter, Chang Kyun Kim, Robert Trempe, Paho Mann, Stephan Larson, Chris Child, Evan Yovaisis
"30 Second Spot" 30 Second Videos by New Media Caucus artists
DJ and Ambient Sounds: Rex Bruce and SigAlert
7/8/2012 SUN 11am-12pm Workshop: Filmmaking, Video, and the Law
7/8/2012 SUN 1-4pm Workshop: Building An Audience With Social Media
7/8/2012 SUN 12-4pm cinema lounge featured artists:
Place, Time, Shape and Humans
“Memoria del Terriotorio” Video by Xavier J. Cunilleras
“The Father” Video by Mark G. Williams
“Human Nature” Interactive media by Joeseph Farbrook
In the media room: Marjan Moghaddam, Jon Shumway, Toban Nichols, Ben Ridgway
7/9/2012 MON 4pm Workshop: Create your video for “The Mechanical Olympics”
with Xtine Burrough http://mechanicalolympics.org/
7/9/2012 MON 5-7pm DFFLA Official Cinema Lounge Happy Hour
7/9/2012 MON 4-7pm cinema lounge featured artists:
Movement and Change
“Winds of Change (Unreal-estates)” Video by Drew Browning & Annette Barbier
“Noise” Video by Norberto Briceno
In the media room: “Moving Violations” Multiscreen freeway video by Rex Bruce
7/10/2012 TUES 5-7pm DFFLA Official Cinema Lounge Happy Hour
7/10/2012 TUES 5-7pm cinema lounge featured artists:
Female Bodies, Female Minds
“Even Gray Feels Blue“ Video by Negin Sharifzadeh
“Polly, Jennifer and Melissa” Video by Diego Ramirez
“Female Interfaces” Interactive work by Pia Myrvold
In the media room: Anh-Thuy Nguyen, Guillermina Zabala
7/11/2012 WEDS 6pm
“Fine Art Film: LACDA Digital Shorts” at the Downtown Independent Theater
(ticket required—see dffla.com website for details, directions)
Drew Browning & Annette Barbier, Mark G. Williams, Guillermina Zabala, Toban Nichols, Norberto Briceno, Negin Sharifzadeh, Anh-Thuy Nguyen, Matt Sheridan, Leigh Brody, Quayola, Ben Ridgway, Marjan Moghaddam, Diego Ramirez, Xavier J. Cunilleras, Robert Checchi, Marco de Mutiis, Jon R. Shumway, Sohyung Choi, Yessley Mateo
7/11/2012 WEDS Please note: LACDA closed for winners and instagram installation
7/12/2012 THURS 6-10pm
"Digital Art L.A. Winners Exhibit"
Reception and Downtown Artwalk
Drew Browning & Annette Barbier, Vincent Mattina, Sohyung Choi, Salvador Morales, Yoshiaki Murakami, Rebeca Saborio, Ross Amador, Prince Thomas, Nancy Oliveri, Mike Pace, Mary Neubauer, Marjan Moghaddam, Lou Krueger, Laura Hennessy, Jun Jun StaAna, Jared Carnes, Jamila Clarke, J. Thomas Wells, Hannah Barton, Ed Canas, Belinda Mason, Mark G. Williams, Guillermina Zabala, Toban Nichols, Norberto Briceno, Negin Sharifzadeh, Anh-Thuy Nguyen, Matt Sheridan, Leigh Brodie, Quayola, Ben Ridgway, Diego Ramirez, Xavier J. Cunilleras. Robert Checchi, Marco de Mutiis, Jon R. Shumway, Kim Ash, Yessley Mateo, A. J. Patrick Liszkiewicz & Anton Hand, Richard Horton
7/12/2012 THURS 6-10pm
"Art of Instagram"
Reception and Downtown Artwalk
@farmosis, Aeneas MacRae, Becca Greer, Christopher Forbes, David Carter, Eldred Boze, Edward Rushton, Eric Vinzents, Felice Willat, Francisco Pietsch, Jacquelyn Rachel, Janick Laberge, Jean Lee, Jennifer Jarnot, Jessica Ruiz, Joan Dooley, John Waguespack, Johnny Naked, Katie Norton, Kenneth Ruffin, Kira Vollman, Kira Wolman, Lisette Kennedy, Michelle Alexis Newman ,Marcia Cooper, Maria Garton, Marsha Owett, Martin Amorous, Maud Wirström, Maureen Duncan, Michelle Alberto, Michelle Alexis Newman, Michelle Engelman-Berns, Peter Tucker, Sara Taylor, Shawn Saumell, Simone Paterson, Susan Bennett, Susan Rice, Susan Williams, Taylor Williams, Trevor Messersmith, William Christopher, Yolanda Klappert, Katherine Syroboyarsky, Eldred Boze, Kenneth Ruffin, Paco Pietsch
7/12/2012 FRI 12-5pm "Digital Art L.A. Winners Exhibit" continues
7/12/2012 FRI 12-5pm "Art of Instagram" continues
Featured Internet Art Sites:
Jennifer Harris
"Fear Not Project"
Richard Horton
"High Entropy Diagnostic"
Joseph Madia And Katie Murray
"Picture Consequences"
Laís Pontes
"Project Born Nowhere "
Joeseph Farbrook
"Human Nature"
Xtine Burrough
"Mechanical Olympics"
This site and its entire contents © 2004-2012 Los Angeles Center For Digital Art
All Rights Reserved.
Works of individual artists remain the intellectual property and are copyrighted by their respective authors. No unauthorized reproduction, all rights reserved.